Guide: Obtaining a temporary residence and residence permit for foreigners:

The document confirming a foreigner’s right to permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan is a residence permit.

To obtain a residence permit, it is first necessary to obtain a permit for a permanent residence.

Where is this permit issued? It is issued by the police. The main requirement is to prove a foreigner’s ability for solvency. What do foreigners need to apply for a permit? In order to apply for a permit for a permanent residence you need to submit a number of documents. They are: 1. application form for a permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2. copy and original (for verification) of a foreign passport, document of a stateless person of the beneficiary, the validity period of which on the day of application submission is more than 180 calendar days; 3. a document confirming their solvency in accordance with the rules of confirmation by foreigners and stateless persons applying for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan; 4. document of a person’s criminal record (absence of criminal record) in the state of citizenship and/or permanent residence, issued by the competent authority of the relevant state (except for persons with refugee status in the Republic of Kazakhstan and ethnic Kazakh citizens of the People’s Republic of China, unless otherwise provided for by international treaties) (validity period not exceeding 180 calendar days); 5. notarized consent of a child aged 14 to 18 for permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan; 6. notarized contract with an individual or legal entity (for service recipients confirming their solvency during their stay in the Republic of Kazakhstan);

After a positive consideration of the application for a permit, the foreigner will be registered at the permanent place of residence.The residence permit is issued for 10 years.

What do people need to apply for a residence permit? Foreign citizens staying on the territory of the country on the basis of a visa of the category “permanent residence” can obtain a residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To obtain a residence permit for a foreigner in the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners must personally submit to the state body: – a document on payment of the state duty; – 2 photographs of a certain size; – a valid national passport. During the period of registration of a new residence permit a foreigner does not lose his status of permanent resident in Kazakhstan. A foreigner’s residence permit is issued to foreigners permanently residing in Kazakhstan from the age of sixteen, and children under the age of sixteen do not require a residence permit. The residence permit is issued within 17 calendar days after the documents are submitted.


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