Organization of a press conference at the Kazakhstan press club on the establishment of the public association "Forum of advocates".
Open lectures to students at KIMEP and UIB universities on business law.
Participation in various television programs on coverage of legislative issues on the television channels Khabar, “Kazakhstan”, “KTK”, “Tan”, “Almaty”, “Astana, 31”, “Caspionet”.
Holding a training seminar "Advocates and Administrative Justice" for advocates and lawyers from the Central Asia in the "Alatau" sanatorium with the participation of advocate trainers from Germany, in partnership with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and with the financial support of the Soros Foundation-Kazakhstan.
Advocate Nazkhanov Tair's speech at the Kazakhstan Legal Forum with a presentation on technologies of successful defense of entrepreneurs in criminal cases related to tax evasion.
Delivered a report on the state of the legal profession in the Presidential Administration at a meeting of the Expert Advisory Council of the Commission on Human Rights.
Speech of lawyers at the annual forum of corporate lawyers in Almaty, organized by VIProMotion.
Participation in a roundtable discussion at KIMEP University on pro-bono legal services in Kazakhstan under the program " Equal Before the Law: Access to Justice in the Central Asia - EBL" program.
Holding, jointly with the public association Forum of Lawyers and, a charitable event dedicated to International Human Rights Day to provide free legal assistance to poor citizens.
Conducting a seminar, Tair Nazkhanov, at the Internship Center of the Almaty City Bar Association on "Modern Western Jurisprudence". Utilitarianism, Liberalism, Feminism and other legal theories, which are actively discussed in the English-speaking legal environment, were told at this training session to the lawyers of Almaty.
Provision of free legal advice to the population within the framework of the "People's Lawyer" social project
Publication of expert opinions on legal issues in electronic media (newspapers, magazines, blogs).
Speech by lawyers of the Law Firm at the seminar "Tax Disputes. Protection of taxpayers' rights" held in the conference hall "Almaty" of the Grand Hotel Tien Shan in Almaty with participation of representatives of large companies of Kazakhstan.
Participation of the lawyer, Senior Partner of the Law Office "Nazkhanov and Partners" Tair Nazkhanov in the expert-practical conference on "Implementation of international standards in the legislation of Kazakhstan in the conditions of reforming criminal and criminal procedural legislation", held within the framework of the Project "Monitoring of the National Action Plan in the field of human rights for 2009-2012", funded by the European Union and implemented by the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law (KIBHR&RL).
Tair Nazkhanov attended a lecture by Mr. Vincent Tihan, dedicated to the topic "Professional development as a condition for maintaining the licenses of advocates, accountants and authorized agents of the U.S. Federal Tax Administration